
We pass everyday in green parks

smiling at each other thru jogging tracks,

like two tall trees that never touch

yet close enough to see , not catch.

I wish you were me sometimes

for I trace a sad frown behind your smiles.

Dear friend, nothing is worth your worry

for this life is short , so we better hurry.

You jog brooding over past mistakes

while I flirt over today’s fragrances.

Mesmerised by you and intoxicated

I collide with you gentle and blind.

Swish went your hand in reflex

and now I lay down , a fallen angel

with my wings chipped by your flex.

A silly butterfly lying under your ankle.

Yet I smile with receding breath

for life is short and no time for wrath.

I knew all along that touch from you

would be death but honey ,I still love you.

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